Kisz'a Vekharu

Miqo'te | Keeper of the Moon

Kisz'a Vekharu
"Keesecake" | "Kush" | "Kiki" | "Jello King"
Triad Aliases
"Kozol of the Four Spades" | "The Yellow Jester"
Male (He/Him)
Sleeping Sands Cartel Underboss (current)
Gilded Clover Club Manager and Host (current)
Lead Accountant for Sleeping Sands Cartel and The Gilded Clover (current)
Medic/Healer/Experienced Conjurer
Entertainer and Musician
Triple Triad Master and previous tournament winner and ongoing participant
Active Retainers
Valentin "Val" Warwick (Lead Bodyguard)
Kukuroon (NPC Qiqirn Accounting Assistant)
Bleeva (Viera NPC, head of house at the Gilded Clover)
Well known in Ul'dah for his eccentric and colourful appearance, gift of gab, and having deep pockets and a list of connections to merchants. Known as a vibrant and friendly if often ridiculous and sometimes unsettling man who has a way with words but is on the eccentric side. He is known to not shy from more rough means of business if necessary and it is said, while you may be tempted, to not underestimate him upon meeting him.
Should you be the sort to frequent the Gold Saucer, you're sure to know him as one of the Triple Triad masters, and in this role he's known as Kozol of the Four Spades. Previous tournament winner, and obsessed player, it'd be common enough to see him there as well as around, well, anyway, seeking new games, new players, and new cards.He also has a thing for sweets, meats, and games, and can sometimes be won over by a great smile.Playlist
Spotify Playlist: Yellow Jester

Kisz'a presents himself as charming and friendly. Often enough though, he proves to be both mischievous and eccentric, prone to pranks and playful commentary. Despite his decorated and rich presentation though, he has shown time and time again that he isn't against getting his hands dirty, and in many cases proves to prefer it (and enjoy it). He keeps a healthy distance between himself and the mundane, preferring in all moments of his life to be 'entertained' as he calls it, always with eyes wide to something new and interesting. It is easy for him to lose interest in things should they grow tedious, though when something truly speaks to him he can become deeply invested and supportive, even in despite of his issues with commitment.
- Is very confident but never one to brag.
- Can speak Common (Eorzean Dialect) as well as Old Auri (Budugan dialect), limited Ancient Hingan (understanding of some of still used words and etiquette), Vekharu Clan Huntspeak (Has a larger amount of clicks, 'x' or 'ks' sounds, and 'z' sounds. There's another language in there as well but you'll find it spoken very rarely.
- Is an adept and long term Conjurer, and has been known to take jobs in needs of a healer.
- The sort of person to speak with his hands, he is very dynamic when conversing with someone, often posing and using his hands to gesture and expresses himself through body language and use of his tail and ears.
- Has proven to have an extremely high pain tolerance .
- Playful and enjoys a good gag or two, good luck if you become the target of one.
- Known to have a very strong stomach and there are even hushed rumours of him being a tad deranged concerning it.
- Greatly dislikes being interrupted, especially while in the company of those he particularly likes.
- He can be rather flirtatious and isn't against being blunt with what he is interested in or wants
- Absolutely loves math and numbers over all and can even be seen learning arcane geometries at the school in Limsa.
- Is obsessed with cards and games in general. He really enjoys Triple Triad and it is common to see him playing it in a variety of places with a variety of people.
- Is well. A clown, that's the energy I'm going for here in both his strange demeanor and appearance
Appearance Information- He wears an eyepatch usually. It is over his left eye. If he isn't wearing one, he is usually wearing a mask or coloured glasses, dark enough that that left eye (or both) aren't visible.
- Has a deeper voice than you might expect. Speaks with a smooth tone yet his laugh tends to get a bit high pitched.
- Kisz's dresses in extremely bright colours and fine fabrics. Often times it's over the top and near blinding, the sort to favour shawls, scarves, popped collars and lots of decorations/jewelry
- He wears a lot of layers, even in warmer climates he often sports at least three layers on top and bottom but over all tends to favour anywhere from 4 to 6 layers of clothing, from undershirts to vests, to overcoats and corsets. In hot climates, all these layers are accompanied by custom linings of ice crystals. This makes him often cool to the touch and leads to him fluffing and preening often to spread the cooler air around.
- Kisz'a uses facepaint or makeup and favours just as bright colours as he does with his clothing. Neon lipsticks, painted shapes on his cheeks and over his eyes, eyelid powders and coloured mascara, he wears a very wide range of makeup that more often than not follows the whole 'clown' aesthetic.
- He stands a bit taller than the norm for male miqo'te, with a naturally lithe build to his body, his height is near 6'1", and often reaching 6'5" with his usual heels included.
- For those with keen senses of smell, like tribal miqo'te etc, his scent is very sweet and spiced/warm, though not overly so. It has a natural sweetness to it rather than one purely from colognes or sprays.
- Lacks any obvious scars and has an incredibly pale and clear complexion.
- He is often carrying around a black leather book, one that looks like it has papers sticking out from its sides here and there. He can be seen taking it out and using it, especially while walking through the market areas in Ul'dah.
- He has a gold tooth on his upper jaw of teeth, it is a lateral incisor to the left.

RP / Writing Hook
If you have an interest in writing with/meeting Kisz'a he is pretty easy for me to do walk ups with so you can always ask! Otherwise, here are some possible hooks you can use to start a scene with him, or help you get an idea of a way your character and he might meet.
- Kisz'a works as an accountant, manager, and host for a club, so you can always speak to him about a job without having to actually join his free company. He also is the Underboss for a cartel and should you have the right connections, a job can be gotten with them. All sorts of work (body guards, runners, dealers, information gathering, healers etc) needs to get done for it and he hires people on commission as well as for payroll. He also needs extra hands for more personal business as well. If you do have an interest in his free company, more information can be found Here
- He often issues out loans to new businesses, if your character is looking for an investor he could possibly be that for them, they just need to pitch it to him.
- He has been seen to play piano at some venues, though isn't widely known for it. Your character could have seen him play somewhere.
- Kisz'a has an interested in bettering his Old Auri and Ancient Hingan, so more people to help teach him is great.
- He's quick to buy someone a drink or even food if he finds them interesting, an easy character to have walk up to you at a bar.
- Kisz'a loves Triple Triad and has been seen all over playing it against all sorts of folk. Your character could have heard of him and wanted to DUEL. They also could know him from his previous tournament wins, and his status as a Triple Triad Master. Kozol of the Four Spades is the title he takes when playing at the, or working at the Gold Saucer as an in house player and instructor. He is also known as 'The Yellow Jester' by a wide variety of players all around Eorzea.
- He enjoys getting into trouble and often times lingers around such situations, the sort to be overly curious, enough to even stalk someone if they catch his eye well enough.
- Kisz'a is on the lookout for entertainers as he needs to often hire them for his club/companys events. Whether you actually want to work events or not, it can still be a fun talking point!
- While on the outside he definitely seems a bit silly, I do a lot of dark and mature rp with Kisz'a. So something involving violence or the whole blood and guts aesthetic is easy enough to start up. If your character owes him something or just happens to be who he chooses as a plaything, I'm not against writing darker scenes/torture, should it make sense in how it happens etc.

Thank you for reading my information here! Now here is some OOC INFORMATION that will help out with any roleplay plotting or planning, or just to let you know what I'm into concerning writing.I'm interested in All RP, with a preference towards more Mature and Dark plot lines and elements, but I'm pretty game for near all. I like really wacky and silly shit too.18+ is also fine by me but it is not the focus of my roleplaying. I prefer when it has more build up or in the case of something like a fling/one night stand, it ends up leading to something more later on. I'm not really interested in just writing smut for smuts sake.I greatly prefer Lore Adhering roleplay over all. Lore bending characters and plots can be okay, but I try to keep IC things as canon as possible.I am always game for Walk ups and Tells, so hit me up whenever. As far as Walk ups go, whenever my RP Tag is up, I'm in character.While one line responses are fine and have a place (especially in really busy places), I prefer paragraph style writing/writing more descriptive responses over all. I sure do one liner stuff with Kisz'a as gags and jokes are better shorter with more of a 'punch', but over all I like to write against replies with things like body language or expressions added in along with what the character says. It's just easier for me to keep invested.As for when I am Available to RP, it's EST here and I work early mornings, so afternoons around 4-10pm (EST) is best. I also usually have all of Mondays free.And if you would like to plot things out more in discord I am perfectly fine with that, just ask for it from me when you see me online in game! Thanks again for reading through my character info and I'm excited to meet who ever you throw my way. My discord is:


All art here is by me.